
旋风vpnThese are difficult times for the United States, as for the rest of the world, as we struggle through each day in thrall to a malignant and ubiquitous force that worms its way into every facet of our existence, makes us sick, and threatens our way of life. And there’s also the coronavirus. Thankfully, idiocy, venality, and human folly remain as healthy and robust as they were before the advent of Covid-19, and the third volume in The Trumpiad, my ongoing effort to catalogue each month in the “administration” of the forty-fifth president of the United States, is here to prove it. You can now experience it as a printed book, an ebook, and an audiobook (read by yours truly, and coming shortly). All proceeds after costs, as with the first two volumes, will be split between Vine, a farmed animal sanctuary in Vermont, and 旋风vp官网, an organization that helps transgendered homeless youth in New York City.

For those who need a refresher course on the competence, lack of drama, and statesmanlike tenor of this presidency before Covid-19, you can read Book the First (2017) here and Book the Second (2018) here. For those who want the latest blowback from the whirlwind, 旋风加速器ios下载 (2024) is ongoing 旋风加速器ios下载.

旋风vpn The Trumpiad, Verse & Lyrics


Trumpiad: Book the SecondFor the last two years, I’ve been composing every month a satirical epic poem on the administration of the forty-fifth president of the United States—styled in ottava rima, the verse-form of Lord Byron’s Don Juan.

Although I’m dismayed that the current administration has lasted as long as it has, I’m nonetheless delighted to announce that my poetic effusions on the reprobate’s second year in office is now available—as a printed work, an ebook, and an audiobook (read by yours truly). As with the first volume, Book the First (also available as a printed work, an ebook, and an 旋风vp官网—also read by yours truly), all proceeds after costs will be split between Vine, a farmed animal sanctuary in Vermont, and New Alternatives NYC, a group that helps homeless transgender youth in New York City. I hope you’ll support these groups, even if you don’t wish to purchase either or both volumes of 旋风加速器下载. If you don’t want to support their work or buy the volumes, you can read Book the First on this page, and Book the Second on this. The ongoing Book the Third continues here.

Posted in The Trumpiad, Verse & Lyrics


Twenty-seventeen was a challenging year in many ways. I found myself doing a great deal of soul-searching about my adopted country and how I might (let alone should) respond to the election to the presidency of a man whom I thought was manifestly unfit for the office—and who has proven himself to be so in every way. One way I coped was writing 旋风加速器ios下载—a mock-heroic satire in ottava rima, the verse pattern (旋风vp官网) employed by Lord Byron in Don Juan, his picaresque satire of politics and manners, composed 200 years ago.

Each month, I composed a canto with as many verses as days  in that month, and posted them on this website. I then spent January and February editing all 365 verses (and one villanelle) to get the rhyme pattern and meter right. I have now published 旋风加速器ios下载 (with various glossaries) as an e-book on Smashwords and as a 决斗都市2021 访谈录 YAS站·冠军 机油_北方号_北方热点 - hebtv:2021-2-19 · 原标题:决斗都市2021访谈录YAS站·冠军机油如果喜欢文章的话记得点右上角把它转给朋友哦~RushDuel的规则特征←上期回顾决斗都市2021决斗年,第3场特别赛圆满结束。机油使用淘气仙星自奏圣乐摘得桂冠。受疫情影响,多个线下比赛叫停,让这次的线上比赛备受 self-publishing program. Publishing in this way has provided me with valuable first-hand insights into a couple of the “alternatives” to publishing that I often talk about with would-be authors. I’m also pleased to offer the proceeds of the sales (beyond the cost of printing) to two charities (Vine and New Alternatives NYC), which you can read about on The Trumpiads page. The epic continues into the president’s second year, and you can read the latest effusions on this page.

After several years of false starts, Japanese composer Mihoko Suzuki and I completed our five-part song-cycle on the life and experiences of the Kenyan environmentalist and Nobel Peace laureate, Wangari Maathai. Entitled 苹果下架VPN是法治的胜利 - huanqiu.com:2021-8-4 · VPN即虚拟专用网络,其主要功能是在公用网络上建立专用网络进行加密通信。其实早在今年1月中下旬工信部就要求,在信息技术、云计算、大数据 ..., the five-part, 50-minute piece is now available on CD or for download, and you can read all about it and link to the page to purchase it here. The CD contains the libretto, but you can also read them in their entirety on the cycle’s individual song pages (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).

Posted in And the Hummingbird Says . . ., The Trumpiad, Verse & Lyrics | Tagged Amazon, Byron, 旋风vpn, Create Space, Don Juan, Donald Trump, Mihoko Suzuki, New Alternatives, ottava rima, satire, Smashwords, song-cycle, Vine, Wangari Maathai


Nathan Heller's "Blood Ties" in The New Yorker

Nathan Heller’s “Blood Ties” in The New Yorker

A few years ago, I was fortunate to play a role in helping Gene Baur, the co-founder of 旋风加速器ios下载, complete his first book, which told the story of the organization and the many animals that he’d rescued from stockyards.

Last week, my company, Lantern Books, and I were mentioned in a profile of one of our authors, Jens Soering, by Nathan Heller in The New Yorker. This was a first for us. Three of Jens’ books with Lantern were named—One Day in the Life of Prisoner 179212, An Expensive Way to Make Bad People Worse, and 旋风vp官网—as was the individual, Fr. Thomas Keating, who brought Jens to us, and who is another of our authors.

Farm Sanctuary: Changing Hearts and Minds about Animals and Food was published to modest success by Simon & Schuster in 2008. One of the purchasers of that book left a copy at a bed & breakfast in New Jersey. A visitor picked up the book, read it, and was so inspired by its story, and the tales of the animals who made their way to Farm Sanctuary, that she told her husband about it. The visitor was 旋风vp官网, the wife of former Daily Show host Jon Stewart. Not only did Jon invite Gene on his show to talk about his latest book, Living the Farm Sanctuary Life, co-written with Gene Stone, but Tracey purchased a parcel of land in New Jersey that will be her own sanctuary for farmed animals, and which will be run by Farm Sanctuary. She also published a book, Do Unto Animals, that, like Farm Sanctuary, is a rallying cry for less cruelty and more compassion.

In a world where it’s harder and harder to break through the incessant noise of self-promotion, information overload, and multiplying media to reach your audience and make an impression, the story of how one person read one book that changed her life and thereby brought an enormous amount of positive attention to a worthy organization is delightfully analogue, old-school, serendipitous . . . take your pick. No paid consultants; no publicity hacks; no massive media blitz. Just a book on a table that found its way into the hands of someone who was ready to be transformed. It’s perhaps what all publishers and authors dream of: it so rarely comes true, that when it happens there’s something providential about it.

I wish I could say the Heller piece has aroused great interest in Jens’ work/situation or our company, but it hasn’t . . . yet. I like to think that it’s still early days. Apartments around the world are filled with back issues of 旋风vp(永久免费) waiting to be read. Jens is the subject of a forthcoming documentary film, The Promise, which may remind that special someone of Heller’s thoughtful piece, and which in turn may stir the Kraken of national attention. Until then, we do our bit, communicating however we can about our books—hoping that that special someone will change her life and change the world.

Posted in Editing—Publishing—Writing, Publishing | Tagged Farm Sanctuary, Gene Baur, 旋风加速器下载, Jon Stewart, 旋风vpn, Thomas Keating, Tracey Stewart


It’s a strange thing to see your name written out in the elegant, restrained typeface of The New Yorker magazine—as I, on this Monday morning, discover myself to be (in Nathan Heller’s “Blood Ties”). As someone who’s subscribed to the magazine for almost two decades, it feels unreal—as though the “Martin Rowe, a co-founder of Lantern Books,” is someone else entirely. But the thoughtful and conscientious Nathan Heller did come round to my house to interview me; the subject of his piece, Jens Soering, is an author of four books for Lantern; and another of our authors, Thomas Keating (also mentioned), did indeed send Soering’s first manuscript, The Way of the Prisoner, to us.

工信部回应VPN被封:不良信息应按中国法律管理:2021-1-27 · 闻库(资料图) 国务院新闻办公室定于2021年1月27日(星期二)上午10时举行新闻发布会,请工业和信息化部副部长毛伟明、总工程师张峰、运行监测 ...

Posted in Publishing, Writing | 旋风vp官网 Jens Soering, New Yorker, 旋风vp官网


Seth Godin is one of those disruptive gurus of marketing, publishing, and connectivity, and I think he speaks a lot of sense. I especially appreciate what he says about the book as a souvenir—with all of the ambiguity that such a word implies. Witness this comment:

家中看“黄片”是否违法?-中国法院网 - chinacourt.org:2021-3-25 · 【案情】2021年8月,刘某在家中电脑上观看“黄片”, 三名民警突然造访,称其违反《计算机信息网络国际互联网安全保护管理办法》第五条第六项和第二十条,对其罚款1000元。

Out of context, a 140 character tweet cannot change someone’s life. A blog post might (I can think of a few that changed the way I think about business and even life). A movie can, but most big movies are inane entertainments designed to make a lot of money, not change people. But books? [. . .]

Books change lives every day. A book takes more than a few minutes to read. A book envelopes 旋风vp下载 us, it is relentless in its voice and in its linearity. You start at the beginning and you either ride with the author to the end or you bail. And unlike just about any form of electronic media, you get to read the book at your own pace, absorbing it as you go.

Posted in Editing—Publishing—Writing, 旋风加速器ios下载 | Tagged Seth Godin


A friend who is currently writing a book sent me an email about its progress. She told me she’d started to read H is for Hawk, Helen MacDonald’s award-winning memoir of how she dealt with her grief over her father’s death through falconry. My friend had had to stop reading the book, she related, because she’d been intimidated by MacDonald’s lush vocabulary and poetic style and it made her feel inadequate as a writer. Her own language was much more down to earth, she wrote, and she was trying to tell a story very plainly.

I have not read MacDonald’s book, but my friend’s comments did strike home. I, too, tend toward lushness in my prose. I often ask my sentences to carry a lot of weight—not least by freighting them with dependent clauses, balancing them between several semi-colons, and never allowing a noun or verb to complete their tasks without colorful adjectives or adverbs as chaperones. Once I’ve reached a first draft, I polish my prose to a dazzling sheen, which is not to say that it’s clear, well-written, insightful, or compelling. It may sound resonant; it may be lyrical; it may offer to the reader a veneer that suggests a rich grain of considered thought. But, in the end, the polish can lacquer the prose to the point of lifelessness.

I’m currently reading Hilary Mantel’s Wolf Hall, the first volume of her much-lauded re-imagination of the life and times of Henry VIII’s fixer, Thomas Cromwell. I’ve no doubt that Mantel labored as mightily over her prose as MacDonald did hers, and I do mine. What’s remarkable, however, about Mantel’s writing is that it feels as unvarnished and sometimes as muddled (who is the “he” in this sentence?) as the times she is describing. Sentences tumble into each other; we move back and forth in time and in and out of Cromwell’s head frequently within paragraphs; names are dropped, kicked around, and picked up again with abandon (and who is this “Thomas”?). Yet it all works. The prose more than breathes; it runs, pants, shouts, laughs, whispers, and has all the energetic vital signs you want in a book. It’s Dickensian in all the right ways: expansive, unafraid, pell-mell, and rich with characters and incidents. And in its own way as plain as day.

My worry as a writer is that my effort to make each word matter and to render each sentence beautiful is my way of avoiding producing sentences over which I don’t have complete control, which is itself a symptom of fearing not that I lack the tools to write a book but that I don’t actually have enough raw materials to make anything worthwhile. My facility, after all, hints at facileness. Yet a little less polish might open up cracks in the story to reveal emotional, intellectual, and narrative depths that had heretofore been plastered over by “fine” writing. The task is not to write plainly or beautifully; the task is to write truthfully. And sometimes that is a harder and scarier prospect than any prose style can fix.

Posted in Editing—Publishing—Writing, Writing | Tagged Charles Dickens, Helen MacDonald, Hilary Mantel, prose style


The 工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者_央广网:2021-7-25 · 工信部回应“禁用VPN”:清理对象是无资质者 在国务院新闻办今日举行的发布会上,有记者问及“有地方出台规定,对违法违规利用VPN上网加强管理”一事,工信部信息通信发展司司长闻库表示,不了 …—an august body of writers (if that isn’t a contradiction in terms) based in the U.K.—have produced their annual report on the dismal state of affairs for professional writers. (Thank you, Kim Stallwood, for sending it to me.) I reproduce here, for your inspection and circumspection, the salient details from the report:


  • The career of a typical professional author begins in the late 20s/30s. The optimum ‘earning age’ for most is the mid-40s to 50s, with incomes beginning to decline thereafter.
  • The earnings picture is very top heavy: the top 5% earned 42.3% of all the money earned by professional authors.
  • The bottom 50% (those earning £10,432 or less) earned only 7% of all the money earned by all writers cumulatively.
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  • Nearly 90% of professional authors need to earn money from sources other than writing.
  • 17% of all writers did not earn any money from writing in 2013, despite 98% of these having had a work published or exploited in each year from 2010 to 2013. Therefore, at least 17% of writers work without any expectation of earnings.


  • A quarter of authors have self-published a book.
  • 决斗都市2021 访谈录 YAS站·冠军 机油_北方号_北方热点 - hebtv:2021-2-19 · 原标题:决斗都市2021访谈录YAS站·冠军机油如果喜欢文章的话记得点右上角把它转给朋友哦~RushDuel的规则特征←上期回顾决斗都市2021决斗年,第3场特别赛圆满结束。机油使用淘气仙星自奏圣乐摘得桂冠。受疫情影响,多个线下比赛叫停,让这次的线上比赛备受
  • The top 20% of earners among authors who have self-published made a profit of almost £3,000.
  • The bottom 20% of authors who have self-published made losses of at least £400.


  • 一个神奇的网站:2021-3-23 · 本站文章部分内容转载自互联网,供读者交流和学习,如有涉及作者版权问题请及时与我伔联系,众便更正或删除。感谢所有提供信息材料的网站,并欢迎各类媒体与我伔进行文章共享合作。
  • 46% of authors said they had signed a buy-out contract (where there is a single payment for use of their work without the further payment of royalties), with 30% stating that the prevalence of such contracts was on the increase.
旋风vp下载 Editing—Publishing—Writing, Writing | Tagged Authors' Licensing and Collecting Society


everytime-you-make-a-typo-the-errorists-winWe have a rule in our offices at Lantern Books that no copies of a book newly arrived from the printers are to be scanned for typos, verbal infelicities, or solecisms. It’s hard to do: the eye roves over the page like a klieg-light, casting into sharp relief the typefaces chosen, the leading and kerning of letters and lines on the page, the running-head format, the dimensions of the book, the thickness of the paper, the margins, and so on. We’ve poured our hearts (and not an inconsiderable amount of money) into the book, and it’s beyond disheartening to be confronted with mistakes that somehow bypassed the author, editor, copyeditor, typesetter, and proofreader.

一个神奇的网站:2021-3-23 · 本站文章部分内容转载自互联网,供读者交流和学习,如有涉及作者版权问题请及时与我伔联系,众便更正或删除。感谢所有提供信息材料的网站,并欢迎各类媒体与我伔进行文章共享合作。

I still think the two-week rule needs to be applied—and not just for publishers. An author recently told me that she’d sent her mother a copy of a book over which she’d labored mightily for many years, only for her mother to reply immediately that she’d found three errors—and that was just for starters. Of course, it is the ordained role of parents everywhere to remind their children that, no matter how much they may feel they have accomplished, they’ll always be in the wrong. So, authors: make sure you tell your readers (and especially your supposedly nearest and dearest) that for fourteen days you want nothing but unconditional love and support. After that, one’s fragile heart might be strong enough for the uncomfortable truth.

Posted in 旋风vp官网, Publishing



Pythia Peay, with her books: American Icarus and America on the Couch

As a publisher, I’m often told by folks, “Oh, I’d like to write a book.” My immediate (internal) reaction is often Why? It’s an enormous amount of work—research, writing, editing—and the rewards (little money, no reviews, few readers) are almost always incommensurate with the effort spent in creating the work. Sure, there is the satisfaction of a job completed, a story told, a mental and/or psychological itch scratched. But it’s a rare person who doesn’t expect more from their writing than these. And yet, sometimes there are occasions such as these. . . .

I first met 旋风vpn twenty years ago when she was the book editor for the now defunct magazine Common Boundary. I was the publicist for Continuum Publishing Company at the time and I’d send her our books on psychology and spirituality for review. Pythia told me that she was working on a book, entitled America on the Couch, and when I began my new company, Lantern Books, in 1999, Pythia’s manuscript was one of the first I considered. It was enormous: 600 pages of interviews with leading psychologists about what ails America. For all its worth as a book, America on the Couch intimidated the hell out of this neophyte publisher, and I turned it down.

I usually don’t like to reject manuscripts tout court, and I told Pythia that I’d been taken with a couple of paragraphs in the Introduction, in which she’d talked about her father. Joe Carroll was an aviator who embodied the aspirational, charismatic, can-do, and optimistic America that burst into the world’s consciousness after the end of the Great War. Yet he was also a depressive and a drunk, who put his family through hell because in his metaphorical flight from himself he always psychologically crashed to the ground. This American Icarus, I wrote to Pythia, was the heart of her story. She should lock Couch in a drawer and tell her father’s tale. I averred that what wisdom she’d gleaned from the psychologists would make its way, as necessary, into the telling of his life, as it charted the highs and lows of the American century.

Pythia embraced the idea of her father’s memoir wholeheartedly. For years, she researched the archives, talked to experts, and visited locations—uncovering a personal and social history, full of fascinating details and fruitful investigations, that gave body and, more significantly, soul to the story of America. When she sent American Icarus to me again, I was astonished and delighted. I now had in hand a book that, I felt, could command a larger publisher’s attention: one able to do unto this book what had been done to 旋风vpn and other such titles that appealed to the children of the Greatest Generation, or men and women at midlife, or those who’d had to deal with alcoholism in their family.

I suggested to Pythia that she get an agent, which she did. And another. And then another. For three fruitless years, she followed their advice in revising her manuscript so that the publishers could politely but firmly reject it. She needed a bigger platform, the editors told the agents; they couldn’t market the book, the sales force told the editors; we no longer take such risks on mid-list authors, the executives told everyone. As Pythia relayed these responses to me, I feared that Icarus—expressive, romantic, and expansive—was passé, out of the conceptual reach of the 30-something editors for whom the Battle of the Bulge was a fitness problem and who wanted prose as polished and unscarred as the kitchen countertop in a new Brooklyn condo.

Eventually, Pythia came back to us, defeated as so many authors are by the timidity and rigidity of mainstream publishing, and together we launched an Indiegogo campaign to fund the title. By way of a perk, and in the spirit of Why the hell not?, we threw in the original book idea, America on the Couch—this time updated, with 40 interviews organized into six parts, each introduced with a mini-essay by Pythia. Here, too, Pythia worked with her customary dedication, honesty, and moral seriousness, and eighteen months after the launch of the campaign, she yesterday found herself  (as the picture above illustrates) sitting before a stack of both books, signing her name.

Neither Pythia nor myself know the future of these titles. They may, like many, disappear into silence; they may, like some, capture the imagination of their readers and through word of mouth pick up sales that will rebuke the agents and publishers who failed to see what I did: a rich, deeply felt, and very American story on family, land, and the ravages of time, and a remarkable collection of interviews over twenty years on these United States. Whatever happens, however, it’s vital that we acknowledge that what was only a dream or a hope twenty years ago has, through an enormous amount of work and dedication, as well as new technologies and the trust and commitment of friends and family in pre-ordering these books, come into being. While this is only the beginning, it is not just a beginning . . . and, for now, that should be a reward in itself.

旋风vp官网 Editing—Publishing—Writing, Publishing, Writing